Me am Bean. Me am superintelligent can with many smarts in head. Me am going to you tell tale of funny shrimp.

Sammy am shrimp. Him have head of shrimp. Him have body of shrimp. Him have much power in tail of shrimp to all over swimming all the long day. Sammy once have a big hook in him from Farmer John. Him get away with cunning and finesse. Then am swimming towards big hole in floor of ocean and him am seeing a much steam from vent in hole. Sammy am cooked and float to surface and Farmer John am putting Sammy in bag full of fishing. Now what am Sammy doing? Sammy am being much dead. Him much funny shrimp, yes?

Now me am going to teach you lesson about capitalization and capitalizations. Me am having made a much graphics for am demonstrating all rules me am over going.

Here, little i am making big I because little i am always making big I. Little i am much happiness to be being always big I and not always being little i. Little i am not much of letter to be being but big I am always having much importance for the many people who am writing down much things and am wanting to be letting you know that they am them and not some other people who am also writing but are not letting you to know who they are being. Concluding, always be looking for big I and not so much for little i but both am being letters that am always being written.
When little a am being written, writer am always thinking how much more they liking to the big A because it am having many more straight lines and not just being a lousy vowel like 'o' which am too close to being big zero. Big zero am not proud to be because it have no good things in it like numbers 1 and 5 am having and other numbers maybe also being a little of. Remember often to capitalizing little a to add legitimacy to paper you am writing.
To many years ago, there be having much writing where little f am used for many s's in writing of people of time. They am not doing this any more, but then authors am having difficulty making literature too hard for people who am reading it so they am having big contest to see who able to make reading much hard. Winner am saying to make s's randomly into f's and he am showing how much readers left now that s's and f's all messing up. Establishment am having much victory with being stop to reading.
Whenever me am seeing a 4 me am having much excitement because me am feeling in me heart that number 4 am full of much numbers like 2 and 9. 4 am like being on top of mountain of much bigness and am seeing lots of valley and people who am walking like ants. Me am liking ambiguity because me am Bean the Cat and me can eat ants! Me am saying, "Tremble much, little ants, me am eating you soon!"

Me am liking to write poetry because me am so much smart me can make poems sounding very yummy. Me will writing some poems now and writing some poems later to enjoying for you. Me am hoping you liking, but if you am thinking what am poem about, me think it because you am not smart enough to be understanding what me am saying.

Here am me first poem.
Here am me second poem.
Here am me third poem.
Here am me stupid-inspired stupid story.

Me am thinking you am having much new thoughts in head from reading of me intellect. You am needing much dumbness to returning to previous state of mind. Me am having you go here for it is center of stupid in all of world. Much guppage am there for you!